Thursday, November 12, 2009

Nursing School

Well my first semester of nursing school is almost over and it went quick!! I can't believe it will be over soon. I have been really busy and feel like I am back in high school going to school everyday of the week! I am doing clinicals at the VA here in Gainesville and it is a interesting experience every Friday from 6:45am-12noon. Next semester I will move to another hospital and will have clinicals Thurs. and Fri. So far I have learned and been checked off on performing bed baths, vital signs and physical assessment on patients. We are wrapping up the semester with foley catheters and feeding tubes, hopefully I will pass the check off. I am averaging a B+, only 2 pts away from an A so I am hoping I can pull it off by the end of the semester, we will see!


Rachel said...

That's great Scottie, I'm sure you'll pull off the A!

Anonymous said...

Proud, proud of you!
Love, Nana and GrandJack