Sunday, May 31, 2009

Oh Peony, How I Love Thee...

Peonies are some of my favorite flowers along with Gerber Daises and Hydrangeas. I had the exact same shade in my bridal bouquet. Too bad you don't see them growing in the south like you do up north. This picture is from my sister-in-law's back yard, actually this is what you see when you look out of her kitchen window. I saw these within the first five minutes of being in her house and I fell in LOVE!!

Something else I LOVE about the north are the basements. I would actually consider moving north if I could have a basement, I hate cold weather but I think I may be able to cope if I had a basement. There are just so many uses for basements as well as lots or storage space!!

Question, can peonies be grown successfully in Florida? Anyone out there?

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