Wednesday, April 1, 2009

National Geographic

My work is like National Geographic. The doctor I work for is an avid hunter who loves the outdoors and it is obvious by the way our office is decorated and where we are located. Yesterday a patient put it perfectly when she said to me "this place is so full of life for being filled with death" referring to the dead animals decorating our office.
So last night after work Dr. Stoer was out feeding the turkey and I had to ask him a quick question so I walked out to the back porch and he said "come here, you gotta see this." Let me preface this by saying we have been seeing our resident gator "Stumpy" sunning on the bank of our pond. Stumpy got his name because he is missing a chunk of his tail, as a result, we think, from a battle earlier in life.
Anyways back to the story, I reluctantly go off of our back porch to see the "must see." I walk over to the pond and Stumpy is lounging in the water and I am about 5 feet from him. I was pretty nervous but Dr. Stoer said "don't worry he is too full to try to get us," meanwhile I am not so convinced. He said "come over here, you won't believe this," I said "what, did he get a turkey?" He said "No, bigger than that" Then I see it, the poor deer, submerged in the water and it's backside gone. The gator had killed it and had been feasting on it. Circle of Life/Survival of the Fittest

So today my co-worker Chris and I decided to go take some pictures. We walk out to the pond looking everywhere for the gator(s). There has also been a second gator on the property in the last couple of days, at one point one gator was seen chasing the other. It is mating season so I guess they are even more aggressive/feisty. We got to the deer first then we saw him resting on the bank, Stumpy. He heard us coming and he started moving so we didn't get too close. He was still guarding his kill about 10 feet apart.

Poor Deer

Who needs National Geographic or the Discovery Channel when you have Dr. Stoer's office at Serenola Plantation. This is one of the many things I love about being back in Gainesville!!

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