Sunday, July 29, 2012

4 months

Ht. 25 1/4"           80%
Wt. 14 lbs 4 oz     70%
Head 42cm           75-80%

She continues to amaze us everyday. She has started blowing raspberries which they say is one of the first forms of communication. She also grabs her feet with her hands. We tried solid food for the first time this month. She has had carrots, pears and bananas. None of which she is really fond of but as our pediatrician says it is just to get her used to food. She will not need real food until 6 months so between now and then she will mainly be consuming milk. I have lots of pics to post of her doing lots of new and first things. Stay tuned!!


Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Happy 4th of July!!!